When "The Philly Dog" posted that "The Barking Beauty Pageant" (which benefitted the Morris Animal Refuge) would be returning to Philadelphia, Mom signed me up right away! After all, I have all the qualities that a beauty queen (or king?) should possess: grace, style, poise, congeniality, and talent, and I coudn't be any more beautiful if I tried.
To top it off, neither a pit bull nor an older dog had ever been crowned Philadelphia's "Barking Beauty," so I just HAD to enter.
My Mom spent several days stitching up custom-designs for the "active wear" and "glamour wear" portions of the competition (we'll get to the "talent" competition in a second). Have you ever tried finding pageant wear to fit a 63-pound Elderbull with a 22-inch neck and shoulders broad enough to make Michael Phelps jealous? Yeah, it aint easy. So we opted for a custom design.
For the "active wear" competition, I sported a tailored Tommy Bahama button-down with mirrored aviators (and Croakies, of course).

For the formal wear, I sported a tuxedo inspired by the infamous Chris Farley/Patrick Swayze Chippendales skit on Saturday Night Live. Did I mention I also have a great sense of humor? It comes with age.

Last, but not least, there was the "talent" competition.......and this is where I have to brag a little. Picture my Mom and I up on the stage, in front of a packed audience, with a row full of judges scoring our every move. The announcer calls us forward to present my talent. The pressure was building.
The crowd went WILD!!!
"He spent the first 14 years of his life living with a person who abused animals in Philadelphia," she explained. "After we adopted him just 15 months ago, Sarge became a certified therapy dog with Pals for Life, and he's been volunteering at nursing homes, hospitals, and schools ever since!"
The top three finalists were selected by the judges, and then the winner was chosen by audience applause. I'm deaf as a doorknob so I couldn't hear the cheering, but Mom tells me it was a clear victory: I was the new Barking Beauty!!!
(This article ran in Metro newspaper on May 17, 2010)
Here I am with 2009's winner, Guido the Chihuahua, who graciously handed over his crown -- and took time to pose on top of my head! Guido is one SUPER cool little dude. I can see us being great friends!!!

The Barking Beauty Pageant was SO much fun, and I highly recommend that every dog enter a pageant at some point in their lives -- especially when the proceeds go to local animal shelters!
It felt fantastic to receive a crown, a sash, a complimentary photo shoot, and tons of gifts, including a custom-made doggie bed from "Girl.Bike.Dog".
But you know what felt even better? Knowing that I opened a room full of hearts and minds to Elderbulls like me!!
This is me with the pageant organizer and her beautiful Yorkie (I had my eyes on this pretty little lady since I walked in the door!).

Like all beauty queens do, I want to congratulate all the competitors for a wonderful showing. Every one of us -- young and old, big and small, purebred and mixed breed -- could have worn the crown well. I promise to make you all proud as I carry out my reign!
I want to especially congratulate the First Runner Up, Miss Sweet Pea, who lives with a buddy of mine named Lauren (pictured below). Not only is Sweet Pea an awesome pittie, but she's a hard-working gal, too.......she and Lauren volunteer with "Pinups for Pitbulls" on behalf of dogs like us! Keep up the great work, ladies!

I'll see you all next year at the 2011 Barking Beaty Pageant!! Be sure to visit http://www.thebarkingbeauty.com/ for details!!
Sarge the Barking Beauty
PS: Ohhhh!!! I almost forgot the best part!!! My Mom and I got to appear live on NBC for an interview about my big win!!

And just for kicks, here's a picture of me posing with the NBC peacock. Haha!!