Lucky for me, my Dad is home from law school now (woohoo!!), so he and I have been doing some serious father/son bonding. Last week my Dad and I volunteered at two elementary schools in Delaware County through Pals for Life’s “Read-to-the-Dogs” program. First I went to Sabold Elementary School in Springfield, PA, to visit with the first-graders.

The funniest thing happened….when my Dad introduced me to the class and said that I’ve been on TV before (Fox, Animal Planet), a little girl in the back row yelled out, “I KNOW HIM!!!” Next thing you know, all the kids were calling out, “Me, too!” and “So do I!” We’ll never know if they were kidding or not, but it sure felt great to be a celebrity! Oh, what I’d do to be on Nickelodeon some day!!
Later in the week, my Dad and I visited Scenic Hills Elementary, also in Springfield, for another “Read-to-the-Dogs” session. This time I brought my business cards and gave one to each kid who read me a story. I love keeping in touch!

After my visit, Dad let me do some dancing in the parking lot…..sometimes I’m so happy to be alive and be loved, I can’t help but dance! I wonder if anyone saw me??

On Tuesday, my Mom and Dad took me on a special visit to Disston Hamilton Elementary School in Northeast Philadelphia. One of my friends on Facebook teaches 4th grade there and after seeing my blog/Facebook, she asked me to visit her students to share my story.

I’m so glad this teacher took the initiative because it was a fantastic visit! I got to meet all the 4th grade classes and made dozens of new friends!! The students asked me questions, pet me, told me about their pets, and learned about responsible pet ownership & safety tips.
I also told the kids that they can be heroes for dogs, which sparked their interest. There was a recent case, right near their school, a 33-year-old man set a pit bull puppy on fire; a kid reported this to his school counselor, and the puppy was saved…….all because a kid spoke up!
Before I left, I let everyone pet me and I gave out my business cards – and I’ve been keeping in touch with the students over email! One of them emailed me to say “thanks” for teaching her that dogs can go to school, and now she wants to take her dog to training classes. Pretty cool!
That's all for now -- stay tuned for a post about the beauty pageant I'm competing in this weekend!!!!
That's all for now -- stay tuned for a post about the beauty pageant I'm competing in this weekend!!!!
Sarge the Elderbull
PS: I'm serious about the email thing......drop me a line anytime at!